CMSE Ireland is delighted to announce a joint collaboration with the Irish Prison Service (IPS) to proceed with the development of the European Sustainable Energy Awards for Prisons.
The newly appointed Director and Chair of the IPS Environmental and Executive Management Team, John Conlan, has agreed to support actions in the three key areas of E-SEAP: prison buildings and their energy management, education and training and prison communities.
The Irish government has committed to achieve in 2020 a 20% reduction in energy demand across the whole economy through energy efficiency measures and in May 2009 they set out national plans in a major policy document, titled, ‘Maximising Ireland’s Energy Efficiency – The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan’, referred to NEEAP, stating that the public sector will improve its energy efficiency by 33% and, “…will be seen to lead by example showing all sectors what is possible through strong committed action”.
It is clear from all initial conversations with IPS staff that they are conscious of the financial and environmental implications of wasting energy. The high levels of enthusiasm amongst IPS senior management brings confidence that the selected participating prisons will achieve the minimum 15% energy savings through actions recommended and implemented in all key areas of the E-SEAP programme. It is also anticipated that the visible evidence and efforts of the IPS to improve energy efficiency not only help the public sector achieve the targeted 33% energy reductions but will raise awareness and increase the positive social image of the prison service Building Services Division Environmental Management Teams as well as others.
For further information on the ESEAP project go to or email