Course Developers: Canadian Standards Association

This course was developed by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and is delivered by Carbon Action.  Carbon Action is a leading provider of carbon training in the UK and has the exclusive rights to provide CSA developed training courses to ISO 14064, the ONLY globally recognized standard.

ISO 14064-3:2019 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements


ISO 14064-3:2019 Validation and Verification of GHG Inventories and GHG Projects

This course details the correct ISO approved methodology to verify Greenhouse Gas emissions.  Only by using the correct verification methodology can one provide the independent and correct assessment of the data associated with a GHG inventory or project. Our 3-day course will provide you with the detailed training and specific examples of how verification should be applied to a GHG inventory.

GHG Verification using ISO 14064-3:

Verification is the systematic, independent and documented process for the evaluation of a greenhouse gas assertion against agreed verification criteria.  Verification provides an independent assessment of the data associated with a GHG inventory or project and typically offers an opinion on the accuracy of the estimates or measurements, thus giving confidence to others interested in the results.

Venue & DateAvailabilityPriceBook Your Place
ISO 14064-3:2019 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements - March 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th 2025 (9am - 1pm BST)

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£1495.00Book your Place Now
ISO 14064-3:2019 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements - May 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th 2025 (9am - 1pm BST)

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£1495.00Book your Place Now
ISO 14064-3:2019 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements - August 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th 2025 (9am - 1pm BST)

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£1495.00Book your Place Now
ISO 14064-3:2019 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements - November 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th 2025 (9am - 1pm BST)

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£1495.00Book your Place Now

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Who should attend this course?

  • Auditors
  • Chartered Accountants
  • Professional Engineers interested in offering  verification services
  • Those involved in national and international regulated GHG programs

Why should you attend this course?

Key benefits include:

  • Objectively assessing your own competencies to conduct the verification
  • Establishing the verification scope, objectives, criteria and assurance
  • Carrying out of verification risk assessments
  • Assessing GHG information systems and controls
  • Identify risk types, Inherent Risk, Control Risk, or Detection Risk
  • Developing a verification plan
  • Evaluating GHG assertion against the agreed-upon verification criteria
  • Issuing the verification statement, including any qualifications

Course Schedule & Booking:

Benefits of verifying your Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

  • Compliance – demonstrates to external stakeholders that the footprint is transparent, credible and reliable. And assures reporting is accurate, relevant and consistent over time for internal management reporting
  • Increase sales – differentiates you from competitors within your supply chain and supports tendering requirements
  • Cost savings – avoid penalties for inaccurate reporting
  • Manage reputational risk – demonstrates data is reliable and robust enough to withstand media scrutiny
  • Improve corporate reputation – transparency gives confidence and re-assurance to stakeholders
  • Attract investment – demonstrates integrity of your reporting system, controls and GHG data
  • Work towards carbon neutrality – a proven best practice calculation allowing you to focus on the most efficient abatement programs and helps you to avoid purchasing more offset credits than necessary or indeed buying offsets which are not credible

Become Verifier Qualified:

To achieve a Verification of your reported Greenhouse Gas emissions, training in GHG Verification using ISO 14064 Part 3 will be a powerful enabler in preparing your GHG report to an audit-ready and powerful statement of your organisation’s credibility and integrity.

When you hold an ISO 14064 Part 3 examination certificate you will be in an enhanced and technically powerful position to manage your organisation’s GHG reporting and achieve Verification.

Benefits of ISO 14064 training:

  • Achieving ISO 14064 training and certification is the optimum way to demonstrate your competence in GHG systems – both mandatory and voluntary schemes (EU ETS, UN CDM, UK MCP, and all other international schemes.
  • Internationally recognized CSA / ISO certificate signed by the President of CSA.
  • Gain an important competitive edge in the expanding carbon emissions industry.
  • Add to your professional development.
  • Benefit from the practical work based on real life GHG case studies, taught by experienced experts and certified by CSA.
  • Become the recognised expert in your own workplace for GHG quantifications, Emission reduction projects and GHG Validation and/or Verification.
  • Enable employers to be recognised for their proactive approach to sustainability and emissions management.
  • Be part of a global expert community.


Why get your training from Carbon Action?

1) Credibility: Carbon Action (CA) are Strategic Alliance Partners of the Canadian Standards Association(CSA). CSA administers the International Secretariat of ISO/TC207/SC7 on GHG Management. This committee is responsible for ISO 14064 standards and CSA’s role and leadership is fundamental to ensure that these standards are up to date and meet stakeholder needs. CA is a technical expert on ISO/TC207/SC7.

2) Practical Experience: CSA administers comprehensive Greenhouse Gas registries. Carbon Action has provided support to many GHG programmes in Asia, Africa, Europe and mid-East.

Further Information:

Find out more about this and other ISO 14064 courses, email or telephone us today on +44 207 397 8500




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