Carbon Action Hosts Masterclass!
Environmental Director at Carbon Action, Fergal Mee recently delivered the second GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Masterclass in Singapore.
Over a five day period, attendees from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and India participated in training organised in conjunction with our Singaporean partners Sustinere Pte Ltd..
Two courses were provided, each based on the ISO 14064 Standard for Greenhouse Gas Management. The first course discussed the approach of creating a GHG inventory of a “Carbon Footprint”; the second on how to independently verify such inventories. The footprint course has broad applications for those working in the area of GHG Management, the second is a more specialised course to train Sustainability Consultants and Accounting professionals, who provide independent verification services to their clients, to ensure emissions are properly counted and accounted for.
Interest in GHG Management has surged in Singapore, following the introduction of the Carbon Tax in January 2019. At this point, the new carbon tax only applies to companies with high emissions. Predictably, these are the companies most invested in educating their staff, so they could properly prepare to measure, manage and reduce their GHG emissions. Over time however, the tax is expected to apply to companies with lower emissions levels, requiring more companies to have a carbon mitigation plan.
We expect similar developments in South Africa if/when they implement their Carbon Tax in 2020.
Carbon Action will be conducting a GHG Masterclasses in Nigeria in April 2019 and Rwanda in Q3.