What is ISO 14064?

International Standards for Environment: What is ISO 14064?

The ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. It is a network of the national standards institutes of 157 countries.

ISO 14064 was developed over several years by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO). It was launched in spring 2006.

In parallel with the emergence of regulated or mandatory schemes- relating to monitoring, reporting and verification of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), organisations outside of mandatory or regulated schemes (such as the EU Emission Trading Scheme or the UN CDM mechanism scheme) also wish to monitor and report their emissions ( organization’s carbon footprint).

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In response to this demand and to provide an international standard against which such reports can be voluntarily verified, ISO 14064 has been developed. These new standards (published in 2006 and early 2007) are the most recent additions to the ISO 14000 series of International Standards for environmental management. The ISO 14064 standards provide governments, businesses, regions and other organizations with an integrated set of tools for programs aimed at measuring, quantifying and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These standards allow organizations take part in emissions trading schemes using a globally recognized standard.

What are the ISO 14064 standards?

ISO 14064 is comprised of three standards, respectively detailing specifications and guidance for the organizational and project levels, and for validation and verification.

ISO 14064-1 Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organizational level- for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals, provides principles and requirements for quantifying and reporting an organization’s carbon footprint.

ISO 14064-2 Part 2: Specification with Guidance at the Project Level- for Quantification, Monitoring and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions or Removal Enhancements, provides principles and requirements for quantification, monitoring and reporting activities that create GHG reductions or removals.

ISO 14064-3 Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Validation and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Assertions- provides principles, requirements, and guidance for individuals conducting or managing verification or validation of organizational carbon inventory reports or project-level assertions.

Carbon Action is the largest provider of ISO 14064 GHG training courses in the UK and Ireland. Look at our Training Schedule for this year:

ISO 14064 Training Courses Schedule in UK & Ireland

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ISO 14064 Training Courses

ISO 14064 training courses(developed by the Canadian Standards Association on behalf of ISO) will provide you with the competence for transparent, relevant, accurate, consistent and complete greenhouse gas (GHG) quantifications of buildings, power plants, businesses, commercial entities, transport systems, manufacturing plants, agricultural production and supply chain systems.

You will gain comprehensive knowledge of the full carbon life-cycle assessments, from risk assessment to the creation of GHG management programs through the proven concepts underpinning ISO 14064, and the application of functional emissions quantification and emission reductions principles, leading to the concrete implementation of GHG/carbon compliance strategies.

These courses are globally recognized qualifications enabling a 360° approach to carbon management. The courses have been delivered to UN CDM verification bodies, governmental bodies, Regulatory Authorities, all industry sectors, and consultancy firms. Courses have been delivered in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Central Asia and the Mid-east. In setting up emissions control schemes these ISO GHG courses have been used by state bodies in Turkey, Kazakhstan and South Africa.

We are a leading provider of Carbon Emissions Training throughout the UK, Ireland, EU and globally outside the US and Canada. All our courses are ISO accredited by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). We provide the following courses on a regular basis.

ISO 14064 Training Course Benefits

  • Achieving ISO 14064 training and certification is the optimum way to demonstrate your competence in GHG systems – both mandatory and voluntary schemes (EU ETS, UN CDM, UK MCP, and all other international schemes
  • Internationally recognized CSA / ISO certificate signed by the President of CSA
  • Gain an important competitive edge in the expanding carbon emissions industry
  • Add to your professional development
  • Benefit from the practical work based on real life GHG case studies, taught by experienced experts and certified by CSA
  • Become the recognized expert in your own workplace for GHG quantifications, Emission reduction projects, and GHG Validation and/or Verification
  • Enable employers to be recognized for their proactive approach to sustainability and emissions management
  • Be part of a global expert community.

The ISO-14064 Standard has been approved as “good practice” in the industry. It provides a framework for the verification of GHG inventories and projects, which gives more credibility to the GHG-reduction process.

An organization which uses ISO 14064 standard gives you the assurance on validation/verification methods. In addition, as it is an international standard, verification done in any country is recognized globally- in the USA, in Europe, at the corporate level for overseas multinational headquarters as well as voluntary GHG reduction schemes.

Also Read About:

Course Master Schedule

for upcoming Carbon Training courses



Client Testimonials About Us

“The class participation was excellent and we all learned from each other’’
Reginald Warlop , CO2BENCHMARK.COM, London
“A clear and enjoyable introduction to the processes and actions required to establish a robust corporate carbon footprint..”.
Sam Balch, Policy Advisor – Corporate Reporting and Responsible Investment Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
“A must have understanding on GHG inventory management remarkably delivered by Carbon Action professionals”
Rodrigo Amandi, Equity Analyst, SAM Sustainable Asset Management AG, Zurich
“Great course and excellent value! Rigorous and thorough – would not hesitate recommending it to colleagues”
Melisa Copeland, RE-CONSULT, Ankara, Turkey